About this blog......

There are times when I find I have something I need to say and this is a place where I will do so.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why RINJ makes me CRINJ

Last year I came across, or was directed to, a Facebook page called Sex Assault Is No Joke (SAINJ), which belonged to an organisation called Rape Is No Joke (RINJ). Their purported goal was to remove the pro-rape pages that had popped up all over Facebook. Pages with names like "Going at it softly so you don't wake your girlfriend" and "Knowing she's playing hard to get when you're chasing her down an alleyway" (Not exact names but I really can't bear to look them up). These pages disgusted me, to the point that I had, for a year or more prior to this, set up a page of my own dedicated to getting hate pages taken off Facebook.

For awhile I was quite happy to follow RINJ on Facebook and Twitter. They were raising awareness of rape and sexual assault by posting links to stories in the media, something, to me, that is very worthwhile, as it is only by talking about these crimes openly and honestly that we can break down the silence that surrounds them. They also seemed to have weighed in on the battle to have Kyle Sandilands removed from the airwaves late last year, after he, on air, called a journalist who had the temerity to report factually on his TV show tanking badly a fat slag, and threaten to hunt her down (And like most people I'm sure he didn't mean to give her a friendly hug or shake her hand). Again, noble aims.

I became concerned when I saw the following text posted as a note on their page:

For some bizarre reason, when a man is found to be having sex with a fully developed teenaged person in the United States, police attempt to brand the accused person as a pedophile to get themselves more attention and to further vilify the accused above and beyond the truth of the case.

The strange and dangerously inaccurate thing is that the crime is described by police and local media as pedophilia to get more national attention from the shock and awe they have created, meanwhile the list of allegedly known pedophiles is further diluted by another indiscriminate skirt chaser with maybe with bad eyes or bad judjment or both.

So the USA now has many offenders branded as pedophiles but who are not pedophiles and it is now impossible to identify real pedophiles who may well be the most dangerous offenders in modern society.

It is impossible to identify which treatment programmes work best for real pedophiles in the U.S. because the USA is treating so many people who are NOT pedophiles.

This is a very serious and dangerous disease and we know nothing accurately about it in the United States because real pedophiles are hidden among normal males who get their hormones over-pumped by Hollywood's focus on youth, sex, bare midriffs and promiscuity.

Pedophilia is a disease wherein the infected cannot be aroused by a fully developed post-pubescent person. A real pedophile is ONLY ever found to be having sex with pre-pubescent children. Pedophilia is a serious illness not to be confused with men who like young women as sex partners but it's about men or women having sex with children prior to puberty who are not in any way developed and should not under any circumstances be involved in any sexual contact because they are babies per se.

The error is a typical American problem and it seriously skews statistics.

Older than 14-year-old post-pubescent fully-developed females in many U.S. states may indeed have legal sex if the person they are with is the same age.

In Europe, in many countries, a 14 year old may have sex with anyone. Age of consent around the world ranges mostly from 13-16.


The definition of pedophilia is unequivocal and the danger from real pedophiles is so extreme because in all their lives the will not have sex or be satisfied by sex with a post-pubescent person. A pedophile will only seek out little children who are undeveloped, pre-pubescent.

Pedophilia is a term that is misused in the United States where education standards concomitantly are also very bad. Whenever American media describe a man charged with having sex with a young person and call it pedophillia, we make clear the age and circumstance because the person deserves a fair trial and because The United States is a very bullying nation state that jails more of its people than any nation on earth and uses a bizarre set of religion-driven common laws that deviate from international law in the extreme and tend to deviate from the truth for the sake of rallying more bullies and winning heir case rather than finding the facts of the matter.

I'm sorry?!? After reading it a few times all I could come up with was that this was an attempt to call all sex between teens and adults, at worst, statutory rape, and that there was no possibility that it was a result of being targeted by people with a sexual obsession based in age. I was so concerned about this that I voiced my disagreement with, and concern about, what had been written, in a comment attached to the note. Unfortunately I can't show you the text from that; it was removed and I was blocked from making further comments. Yep, in the time honoured way of those who support a rape culture, and as is frequently seen in abusive relationships, I was silenced. Permanently. As I am a member of a rape and sexual assault survivors message board I though it right to warn others about what I had seen. After all, RINJ were supposed to be working for survivors of sexual assault, not trying to further traumatise them. I also pointed out some really horrible victim blaming statements regarding domestic violence.

This resulted in another friend "unliking" both RINJ and SAINJ on Facebook, and, as she is a reasonable person, explaining publicly why. This resulted in some major backlash from a RINJer known as So Nya. She didn't like what had been said, and laid in to my friend, and any of us who agreed with her stance, or defended her actions. Personally I was accused of making a racist slur, something that still horrifies me. The level of venom was quite scary.

Shortly after this I was invited to join a Facebook group called CRINJ, so named because RINJ made the founder, and all of the subsequent members, cringe. The actions and attitudes of the RINJ members were quite horrifying. What had happened to me was, in comparison to what they had done to others, exceptionally mild. The level of anger in CRINJ about what RINJ had done was amazing, blinding even. But it spurred most of the members to start investigating RINJ/SAINJ, and what they have found is truly disturbing. I am not going to regurgitate it all here. CRINJ have a blog HERE and a Facebook page HERE  that can spell things out pretty clearly. Let's just say that removing comments and blocking people is but the nicest of their tricks. Inviting donations for a competition in which all entrants were disqualified, stealing the story of a human trafficking victim, using porn star pictures for profile pics, and one IP address for many administrators of their Facebook pages, are all in there. It's one of those situations that if it happened n a movie or book you would laugh, because it is simply too fantastic.

So I urge everyone to read what CRINJ have to say. They are legitimate, and they are not pro-rape in any way, as RINJ have said outright, in an effort to discredit them. While I am no longer a member of CRINJ (due to the fact that my life is quite full as it is) I fully support their actions, and will continue to do so.

In the meantime I have one major question for RINJ: If you are a legitimate organisation whose administration is above board, and whose actions are truly honourable, why will you not allow open and honest debate on your pages, and why do you not allow commenting on your blog? What are you trying to hide from the world? Or maybe, given your refusal to answer, we should assume that CRINJ have it right.

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